NEST Pokhara

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Vegetable nursery changes of our prospects

One permanent plastic house with metal frames (MS), sized 12 by 5 square meters, is being built in Balchour, Lamkichuha Municipality-3, with premises in the ward office with the consent of the off-season vegetable producers group members.

Balchour, Lamkichuha Municipality-3

One permanent plastic house with metal frames (MS), sized 12 by 5 square meters, is being built in Balchour, Lamkichuha Municipality-3, with premises in the ward office with the consent of the off-season vegetable producers group members. There are 3 off season vegetable producer groups (50 members) that are joined in this activity and have started to grow off-season vegetable seedlings under this plastic house and also share within the group members. They can also sell the vegetable seedlings in the market during the lean season as well. They are growing different varieties of off-season seedlings such as brinjal, hot pepper, cauliflower, and cabbage. The vegetable producer groups have demonstrated improved cowpea and okra varieties under the plastic house, and they achieved positive results and were inspired to cultivate the same types on their own land.

We have found that the vegetable production area is expanding due to the availability of seedlings, which are easily accessible in local areas. Community peoples are also happy to get the services in the local area. They are committed to producing off-season seedlings year-round, sharing them with group members, and selling them in the market for more production. It gives a positive result in the community.

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