Reflect Success Story in Deurali
There are 50 households in Shree Janjagriti Citizen Awareness Center (CAC) ward no. 9 Mrajyangkot. From the total householders of CAC, 30 participants were selected. They used to spend their livelihood by agriculture and laboring. They used to spend more than half of their daily income to purchase vegetables.
Ward No. 9, Mrajyangkot, Deurali
There are 50 households in Shree Janjagriti Citizen Awareness Center (CAC) ward no. 9 Mrajyangkot. From the total householders of CAC, 30 participants were selected. They used to spend their livelihood by agriculture and laboring. They used to spend more than half of their daily income to purchase vegetables. Therefore, due to lack of money they were very much worried as they were unable to provide proper stationery for their children and also the household requirements.
On the other hand, the difficulty of water was also the main problem from which there was insufficient time for them to go and work as labor. Hence, to recover from these kinds of difficulties, how did they become an example of success? Let’s take a glance in their words and ways.
We are local residence of Mrajyangkot. The main occupation of our community is agriculture and laboring. From the ancient times, people of this place used to work as labor and farmer whose economic condition is very weak. During the illness, for the purpose of their medical treatment or for the fulfillment of education materials of their children, economic crisis has become the main problem of the community. Moreover, the main problem is that by working all the day a single family earns Rs. 300 while around Rs. 150 to Rs. 200 is spent to purchase vegetables from market. Hence, purchasing most of the income in vegetables has become their compulsion.
From the time, when social mobilization program has begin in Deurali VDC, local governance and community development program DDC Kaski has allowanced NRs. 3,15,000 (Three lakh fifteen thousand) to CAC under Small Infrastructure Generated Program (SPMP). Here, each member of CAC received an amount of NRs. 10,000 for the livestock plan. Sharada Bashyaula after receiving an amount of 10,000 from CAC stated “After receiving allowance of Rs. 10,000, I summed up NRs. 40,000 and started to keep livestock. Now, I have 15 livestock (goats) altogether. My monthly income is average NRs. 50,000. Depending on agriculture, I have 6 bee hives.
Trading on livestock and honey, I can finally manage my expenditure on household, education for children and few savings too for the future. Before, all the incomes were spent for livelihood but with the help of local governance and community development program DDC Kaski under SPMP, my life have become easier and successful.” Likewise her, other members acknowledged that they used to work for others in previous days but these days they are busy doing their own. They added, after being participant of CAC and SPMP, they can earn and save satisfactory amount.