NEST Pokhara

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Plastic house as a resource centre is a beauty of our village

Ganga Chaudhary, 31, member of Nayagoan off-season vegetable producers group. She has spent many years living at Tharu village in Birendranagar municipality-10, Nayagoan, Surkhet. She grows seasonal vegetables on a small scale and doesn’t know about off-season vegetable production.

Ganga Chaudhary

Birendranagar Municipality-10, Nayagoan, Surkhet

Ganga Chaudhary, 31, member of Nayagoan off-season vegetable producers group. She has spent many years living at Tharu village in Birendranagar municipality-10, Nayagoan, Surkhet. She grows seasonal vegetables on a small scale and doesn’t know about off-season vegetable production. She completed a one-day training program on off-season vegetable and seedling production under the plastic house with the support of USAID’s Tayar Nepal, the Birendranager municipality, and technical assistance from NEST, Pokhara.

Additionally, NEST supported for construction of a metal-framed, five-by-twelve-meter long plastic house for the production of off-season vegetable seedlings. We also provided drip irrigation and improved seeds with the technical support for off-season seedling production of tomato, cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, hot pepper, etc. under a plastic house. She has grown a seedling and has received the amount of Rs 2000 from the sales of first product of tomato seedlings. Now the vegetable seedlings are growing up, and she hopes to earn a total of Rs. 15000 in a single season. She aims and commits to produce seedlings in off-season regularly and earn regular income from the plastic house. She is planning to produce off season seedlings as cucumber, tomato and also high value vegetable crops. Due to producing the off season seedlings the vegetable production areas also expand and farmers are also motivated in off season vegetable production.

She also adds, and all group members are committed that this plastic house is a regular source of income for the group and make it sustainable in the future as well.

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